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David Argles

David's website for work and fun

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The first bit of my website is about work; my CV, my work-orientated projects, my teaching, and so on. I actually enjoy my work, and although it's great to be retired, I count myself fortunate to be able to go back to work part-time when I want to.

But this section of my website is about stuff I do that I don't get paid for - although sometimes there can be a bit of a cross-over. So here you'll find that I enthuse about:

So if that's the list of things I enjoy, why have I got a picture of the New Forest for the backdrop at the head of this page? Ah... the list above isn't exhaustive. So my wife and I enjoy caravanning and walking and scottish country dancing and entertaining and helping the homeless and helping those in debt and helping those battling with addictions and... Hmm, I don't understand why retired life seems so busy!